
Thank you for taking the time to visit Unrollit. On this page you will find all necessary information you need regarding our refund and shipping policies.


Our delivery costs are free for orders sent within the United Kingdom. Orders to countries in the EU will be charged £4 for shipping or £2.50 if a purchase of more than one item has been made. Any other country will be charged £7 for shipping or £5 if a purchase of more than one item has been made. We are working on lowering these charges but at the moment this is the best we can do.


We will be able to offer a replacement poster in the unlikely event of a faulty print. However, we will need photographic evidence of the fault so we can justify issuing a replacement. Scratches and creases on the paper are not eligible for refunds or replacements so we advise that you take extra care when opening and unrolling your poster! Refunds are unavailable for all purchases, except under exceptional circumstances. 

Privacy Policy

We only use personal details to complete your order. We are under law by the government to only use them for that reason, nor do we have any interest or reason to use personal information for anything else. Personal data can be deleted at anytime on request, but if a request to do so is made before a transaction is completed, the transaction will be cancelled without the option of a refund. 


Our payments are processed through Stripe and PayPal. More information regarding their security policies can be read here:

The only card details we store are the last 4 digits and expiry date. This is so we know which card has been charged in the event of any miscommunications. 

Poster Paper Quality

We use Satin paper for our prints. It provides a professional finish with vivid colours and a touch of shine. The only difference between Standard and Premium Satin is the thickness of the paper. The colours and quality of the print are the same, whether you choose Standard or Premium.